Bows Are Back

To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the PCF, we are reviving the Red Bow tradition.

To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the PCF, we are reviving the Red Bow tradition. In the early days of the Peninsula Community Foundation, our major fundraiser was the sale of Red Bows around the holiday season. A Big Red Bow on your mailbox shows your support of local nonprofits through a donation of $100 or more to the PCF. Look for more information in November.

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PCF is committed to helping local nonprofit organizations develop and expand not only through direct financial contributions but with their entire mission. We work alongside them to increase marketing and PR, improve fundraising efforts, enhance volunteer recruitment, expand their presence in the community and improve their strategic planning and corporate governance. Our recipient organizations benefit not only from our financial contribution, but from the direct involvement of PCF Board Members, neighbors, and volunteers in the Peninsula and Cornelius community. PCF is uniting a generous community. Take your first step in joining this community and help the Peninsula be stronger together as we empower the work of nonprofit organizations.